When Seconds Count, Inc. provides this life saving skill which is essential for establishments that serve food.
Here is the Massachusetts Regulation
Did you know that the State of Massachusetts Code for Food Establishments, Chapter X, 105 CMR 590.009(E) states…”each food establishment having a seating capacity of 25 persons or more shall:
(1) Have on its premises, while food is being served, an employee trained in manual procedures approved by the Department of Public Health to remove food lodged in a person’s throat; and
(2) Make adequate provision for insurance to cover employees trained in rendering such assistance.”
Are your establishments in compliance with this code?
The Massachusetts Restaurant Association in conjunction with When Seconds Count, located in Salem, MA is proud to offer the required Choke Saving Course at your location our ours. When Seconds Count, Inc. also offers a wide variety of First Aid Kits, Supplies, Posters, and CPR barrier devices.
If you, your co-workers, family members or anyone else would like to become familiar with the Heimlich Maneuver and would be interested in having our trained professional staff provide this training, then this course is for you!
To check class availability and to register, CLICK HERE. Select "Massachusetts Restaurant Association - Westborough" from the filter drop down list.